Wenita has developed a management plan to preserve heritage sites during the harvesting and re-establishment of the Allanton Block of Otago Coast Forest.
The second rotation harvest of Pinus radiata in the Allanton Block is scheduled to start in late November. The Allanton Block has several known archaeological sites associated with pre-1900 European and Maori activity. The sites include significant lengths of sod wall, umu (earth ovens), and a sod house from pre-1900 farming activities on the property. These sites are protected under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014.
Wenita commissioned Southern Pacific Archaeological Research (SPAR) to prepare an archaeological assessment of the sites and their values to support an application for an archaeological authority to harvest from Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. Following consultation with key stakeholders, including Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou, an authority was granted.
Roxburgh Logging crews have been assigned to harvest the trees and Dr Karen Crieg, from SPAR, will oversee the operations to ensure that the identified heritage values are preserved and any new discoveries are managed in accordance with Wenita procedures and the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014.


  • Photo: A 6-metre long section of standing sod wall, likely the southern wall of a mudbrick and daub farmhouse circa 1860.