Our forests are fantastic locations for recreational pursuits, and we are happy to share them with our community. To enter our forests, you need to obtain a permit via our online Forest Access System or, for some uses, by contacting us directly. Please look at the...
Wenita is applying to Environment Southland for funding from its Environmental Enhancement Fund to protect, restore and enhance some of the unplanted areas within several of the Southland forests we manage for Kakapo Estate. The Kakapo Estate contains around 2500...
Wenita’s Chief Financial Officer, Kate Rankin. was elected to the New Zealand Forest Owners Association Executive Council at its AGM in March. Kate is looking forward to working with the other members of the executive council during her three-year term. We are sure...
We have constructed and tested the first of two transportable, temporary crossing structures planned for use in our ground-based logging operations. The aim of these crossings is to minimise stream bed disturbance when extracting stems across waterways. Traditionally,...
This year Wenita is replacing our Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs) with new devices that provide more certainty if an incident is reported. We are phasing out the old Tracplus Rockstar units for the new ACR 410RLS PLB units. The decision to switch to the new ACR 410RLS...
The fire season has started with strong winds, mainly from the southwest. On February 15, a change to northwest winds and a 30-degree temperature resulted in crossover (when humidity levels fall below temperature levels), and all operations were shut down at 3pm....