New COM3TS log scaling system

New COM3TS log scaling system

At the start of this year, C3’s Dunedin checkpoint rolled out its new semi-automated scaling system called COM3TS: Count Measure & Track Simultaneously It was designed by the C3 Ltd technical team and works by taking a photo of a log face and then immediately uses...
Fire training

Fire training

Wenita held fire-extinguisher training for all harvesting, land-prep, forestry roading contractors and Wenita staff in February. This training included the use of powder and foam extinguishers. It’s the first time we have had this type of training, and everyone...
Wenita Safe Start Breakfast

Wenita Safe Start Breakfast

On Tuesday, January 14, Wenita held its annual Safe Start Breakfast at the Taieri Rugby Club with all harvesting, silviculture, roading and transport crews. This year we had 176 people attend the event. Wenita CEO David Cormack kicked the event off with some safety...
Latest on fire danger forecasts

Latest on fire danger forecasts

Climate modelling is predicting conditions likely to result in a higher probability of more spike days this summer. NIWA predicts air pressure will be lower than normal to the southwest of New Zealand and higher than normal to the north. This is expected to be...
Heritage sites – Allanton

Heritage sites – Allanton

Wenita has developed a management plan to preserve heritage sites during the harvesting and re-establishment of the Allanton Block of Otago Coast Forest. The second rotation harvest of Pinus radiata in the Allanton Block is scheduled to start in late November. The...
Fire season underway

Fire season underway

Fire season started on October 1 and runs through to April 30. We update our Fire Danger indicator on the Wenita website if fire danger changes. Although it’s been a cool start to spring, we know conditions can change quickly and we cannot get complacent. Remember to...